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A7 - A10 - A12 direction Genova | Exit Genova Ovest | continue onto "soprelevata" - raised highway | continue onto "soprelevata" - raised highway |
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Exit at Piazza Cavour | Exit at Piazza Cavour | Direction "Centro" for 3 sets of traffic lights | Straight under the "sopraelevata" |
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you can see the 2nd & 3rd sets of traffic lights | turn left at 3rd traffic lights towards "svarco portuale" | turning left at 3rd traffic lights towards "svarco portuale" | turn right towards "svarco portuale Giano" |
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you are at port checkpoint "Giano" - max headroom 4.5m | turn left towards "bacini di carenaggio" | turn right into "via molo giano" | turning right into "via molo giano" |
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still turning right into "via molo giano" | at the Stop sign continue on for another 20m | enter throgh the main gate asking the gatekeepers permission | you are on "molo guardiano". half way and you have arrived |
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ARRIVAL | | | |